PUBLIC PRACTICEOBJECTIVEThe Public Practice Committee (“PPC”) is charged with considering the implications of key changes in the law, regulations and professional standards as they affect the audit profession in the Cayman Islands. It provides the opportunity to discuss and exchange views amongst those involved in Public Practice and formulate policy. STRUCTUREThe PPC is chaired by a member of Council, and is comprised of volunteers from the membership, with the aim of having at least four members. The Chairman of the PPC reports directly back to Council. The PPC can when needed make use of ad hoc sub committees that may focus on specific industry issues. These sub committees each have a Chair reporting to PPC. PROCESSThe PPC meets on an ad hoc basis, to consider consultations referred from Council or the CEO. Matters requiring approval of Council will be put forth to Council by the Chair of the PPC. The Chair will then pass along any feedback from Council. RESPONSIBILITIES